FUE Hair Transplant

The Hair Transplantation technique is the Follicular Unit Extraction (F.U.E.). This technique was born out of the basic idea to avoiding harvesting of “strip” from the donor area. Under this procedure, follicular units are extracted individually, without the need for a linear incision, using a micro-surgery tool designed specifically for extracting one follicular unit at a time. F.U.E. offers the advantage of leaving NO visible scars, since there are no cuts and no strips removed, only tiny circles excised by the surgeon, which will fade quickly after healing.

Contrary to the outdated FUT procedure, bistoury or scalpel is not used for FUE and stitches are not required. This means no visible scar will be left in the donor area at the back of the head. This technique gives people hair without intercepting their daily lives.

How does the procedure work?

After you have received your free consultation with one of our hair transplant surgeons, arrive at Timo Clinic in Istanbul. All our patients receive local anesthesia during hair transplant surgery. During the surgery, you shouldn’t feel anything more than a little bit of pressure; almost like a head massage!

At the beginning of the procedure, the lead hair transplant surgeon will begin by extracting follicular units from the donor area in natural groups of 1-4 (this is called a hair graft). These grafts, or follicular units, are circled by a tiny 1mm punch enabling an accurate and precise incision to be made. The follicular unit is then grasped gently and pulled away from the loose connective tissue that surrounds the unit under the skin.

Once the hair grafts have been taken, no more preparation is required. These small donor hairs are then implanted into the bald area one by one. This process is then repeated over and over again as desired.

As patients are left with tiny 1mm scars from follicle extraction, as opposed to other hair surgery treatments which make larger incisions, the FUE recovery time is usually between 6-7 days.

The Four Stages of a FUE Hair Transplant

Step 01
Punch Incision Around Hair Follicles

    • FUE hair transplant will be conducted once the surgeon will apply the local anesthesia on the donor area. Hair follicles will be extracted from the donor area using a specialized instrument micromotor with micro punches by the size of 0,6 – 0,7 – 0,8 diameters.

Step 02
Extraction Of Follicular Unit

    • Hair follicles will be extracted one by one from the donor area.

Step 03
Harvesting Of The Grafts

    • Placing the extracted follicles in a nourishing environment.

Step 04
Implantation Of The Grafts

    • The extracted follicles will be transplanted into the small incisions that have been created on your recipient area with proper density, angle and direction of hair growth. This precision will determine the look of your hair and its appearance.

What can an FUE Hair Transplant Treat?

Like many medical conditions, there is no singular explanation for hair loss. However, FUE hair transplants can be used to treat a number of different causes for hair loss:

    • Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) – Male Pattern Baldness refers to hair loss on the scalp area. Often, MPB begins with frontal receding before the gradual reduction in hair leads to full baldness on the top of the head. As men being to age, this condition can become more and more prominent. As such, an FUE hair transplant can be used to prevent your hair line from receding any further and promote new hair growth.

    • Female Pattern Baldness (FPB) – Women can also feel the effects of hair loss just as much as men! Whilst 40% of women have admitted to showing signs of hair loss by the age of 50, this number reaches a staggering 55% by the time they reach 80 %. Unlike men, many women report to experiencing hair loss in different places to men. Commonly, FPB is categorized by visible signs of thinning of hair on the top of the scalp. This is often a result of women who have experienced increased hair shedding or a visible reduction in hair volume.

    • Beards and Eyebrows – If you struggle to grow facial hair, or have experienced a loss or thinning of your beard/eyebrow hair, then an FUE hair transplant may be for you. Given that healthy donor hairs are extracted individually (or in small numbers) with FUE, this hair transplant method produces minimal scarring. Where other treatments such as FUT (sometimes referred to as the ‘strip method’) would not be able to treat facial hair problems, FUE is perfect!

Who will do your FUE Transplant?

After your free initial consultation, your FUE hair transplant will be performed by one of our certified hair transplant doctors. All of our procedures are performed by doctors with a little help from our specialist nurses, ensuring you receive quality care and treatment.

What is the difference between FUE and FUT?

    • During procedure, there is less pain involved in FUE than FUT. This is because no major, or large, incisions are required.
    • FUE is also a quicker than FUT. This is because no separations need to be made under a microscope as is needed with FUT. This means you can tailor your hair transplant around your busy schedule!
    • After the procedure, FUE typically has a much quicker recovery time when compared to FUT. This is because of the reduced scarring made by the 1mm punches. Patients are left with tiny scabs that quickly heal as opposed to large incisions made in the scalp.

Do FUE Hair Transplants hurt?

    • Patient safety comes first and foremost at our clinic. Some great news is that during the procedure, you should not feel any pain at all. This is because the treatment is done under local anesthesia. You shouldn’t feel a thing!
    • After your FUE hair transplant surgery, there may be some slight feelings of discomfort. However, as almost microscopic incisions are made on the scalp, you should not expect to feel any tightness as you would with FUT treatments.
    • After your procedure, one of our hair transplant coordinator will remain in contact with you and discuss the aftercare process with you extensively. If you have any problems, just get in touch with us!

Advantages of FUE Hair Transplant

    • This procedure is more reliable than the combined consumption of various medicines and usage of ointments. This treatment does not have any kind of side effects, plus it provides a permanent solution to your hair loss condition. After all, the statistics show that a Hair Transplant procedure has a really high success rate.
    • This process is a one-time procedure, you won’t have to continuously spend money on additional trips in respect of your transplant to the doctors in Turkey.
    • Nowadays, a Hair Transplantation procedure has the power to change your appearance while giving you the confidence that was always missing. By restoring those balding areas that have always kept you insecure, will boost your inner confidence and self-love that you always wanted.

Results and Aftercare FUE Hair Transplant

Following your hair transplantation procedure, you will have access to our post-transplant aftercare program and expert guidance, whenever you need it.

It is important to keep the scalp hydrated during the first few days following the procedure in order to protect against infection and minimize scabbing. We provide full instructions for aftercare and are on hand to answer any concerns following your procedure.

It can take 2 to 3 months for the new follicles to take and naturally grow new hair, so regrowth may be uneven at first, but rest assure, you will soon benefit from thicker looking hair. Although every patient’s recovery time and results may differ, most patients see full natural hair growth around 10 months following their procedure.

After your FUE hair transplant, we will suggest you to take care of yourself by suggesting methods and different ways to make sure you get long lasting results

There may be some minor swelling on your head which can be taken care of by making use of some cold compress and gentle massages.

Our recommendation will be that you sleep with your head elevated with pillows for at least three days after the procedure.

It is best if you refrain from any heavy exercise or swimming for at least three weeks after the surgery, also keep yourself away from food that will cause your blood to thin of face to flush including spicy food, garlic, caffeine and even alcohol.

Be sure to avoid direct sunlight reflecting on the operated area

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Frequently Asked Questions

Between 2,000 and 6,000 hair follicles are extracted during an FUE hair transplant. naturally, this depends on the severity and area of baldness.
An FUE hair transplant cost is depends upon the severity of the baldness as the procedure’s cost is directly related to the number of follicles extracted and implanted.
During the procedure, there is less pain involved in FUE than FUT. This is because no major, or large, incisions are required.
FUE is also quicker than FUT. This is because no separations need to be made under a microscope as is needed with FUT. This means you can tailor your hair transplant around your busy schedule!
After the procedure, FUE typically has a much quicker recovery time when compared to FUT. This is because of the reduced scarring made by the 1mm punches. Patients are left with tiny scabs that quickly heal as opposed to large incisions made in the scalp.
Right after your hair transplant, a special bandage will be applied on your head. It will come out only during your last visit at our clinic in the span of your trip
At Timo Clinic, we have several types of techniques and technology available at our clinic. During our initial consultation, we will understand your physical medical condition and your follicle requirement. After consideration and calculating each and every possibility, we will suggest a treatment according to it.
Make sure that you do not shave your head before the hair transplant, as this will help us understand the density and thickness of your current follicles and measure the amount of grafts you may require.
To get an appointment by us, all you need to do is fill in your details in the form requested by us. We will connect with you and discuss how we will proceed. Once the confirmation is done and come down to an agreement, your travel, stay, surgery and almost everything would be covered by us as per the agreed charges.

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    Timo Clinic

    Where Surgery Become Art!

    We enjoy providing the benefits and improved quality of life that surgeries can give to you. We offer the most advanced form of services, making these procedures available to the widest variety of patients possible. Please contact us today to schedule your consultation.